my initial idea was to photograph the city of commerce, tx, for my final project in junior seminar. however, the more people i talk to, the more it seems to be turning into a project over the history of the city. I work with 2 people who have either grown up here or spent the majority of their lives living in commerce and they both live on the historic Bonham St, so they have supplied me with plenty of contacts and information. I want this project to be more than just completing an assignment for class, I want to provide an enjoyable walk down memory lane for those within the community. My goal is to reach the community more than the university. I want to create diptychs of old and new photographs of the downtown square. I want to find an old vacant building on the square to host my gallery show or either possibly use "a space" (an actual art gallery located downtown). I plan to visit the chamber of commerce and city library soon to research more about the town and possibly scan old negatives. I can already see that this is going to be the most work I have done for a class but looking forward to the end project. This weekend i'm planning on meeting and visiting with Mrs. Kelly, a lady that has spent her whole life living in different houses on Bonham St. Next weekend is the "Bois d'Arc Bash", which is the biggest event all year for this small town. I plan to photograph the parade and antique car show.
these images are from the Commerce Journal Photograph Collection, 1962.
Homecoming Parade, 1962
Quarter Horse Show, 1962
Homecoming at the Journal, 1962
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