On Thursday November 7th the largest ever recorded typhoon hit land in the Philippines. It has been heart breaking to see the news of photos from the aftermath.
In February of 2014 I will be moving to Sabang, Philippines along with my best friend to work in an orphanage and help run a feeing program. To know what the country has endured the last week hurts. To see the amount of orphans continue to rise makes me want to pack up and move tomorrow... if only. Where we will be working was about 150 miles from where the typhoon hit. Thankfully no one was injured but 5 of the church members houses were completely destroyed. They are in the process of raising funds to help rebuild those homes. It only cost $1000 to build a nice home in the Philippines. If you would like more info on how to contribute you can email me at beccahaskell@gmail.com.
To find out about our trip and to keep up with us you can read our blog here!