Wednesday, January 23, 2013

interesting ideas.

We’ve all seen this type of project, however, Argentinian photographer Irina Werning takes it one step further, doing her best to match the clothing, scenery and even the vintage feel of the childhood photographs.
In her photo series titled, Back to the Future, Irina masterfully recreates 25 photos from various people’s childhood. Be sure to visit her site for other interesting projects and explorations: IRINAWERNING.COM

another year, another class.

pinhole. photography.

it's been almost 5 years since i've spent time in the dark room but here i am again experimenting with the unfamiliar. for the next few weeks my alternative camera class will be producing 8x10 photographs from a homemade pinhole camera. excited to try something new. the images below are Rob Gardiner's amazing pinhole work.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

awesome studio idea! wished i had seen this while still in my commercial class. discovered this image on an awesome website for some beautiful photography! orginial image -